So I’m looking into computer software for quilt design, right? Something super-simple. No bells. No whistles. Something SO basic and user-friendly even a child could use it. The child, in this case, being me. And then I find just the thing: the freely downloadable Paintbrush! Very like Microsoft Paint but mac (and Michele) friendly right? Yeah, so I’m having oodles of fun making grids and quilt squares and such… And then The Boy discovers what I’m doing, so he has to have a go like, now. So I give him a quick run down, show him a few tricks, and step aside. In a few minutes he makes this:
Is it just me, or is this a cool quilt design? I mean, I guess I could maybe possibly be a teensy-bit biased… but I think it rocks ‘n rolls! Way better than the ones I came up with.
That’s what I get for finding user-friendly software. Out-designed by my own kid… The nerve.
just great!!! are you going to work on it soon?
xxxx Ale
I see a bright and happy future for The Boy!! This is amazing!
It is wonderful! Maybe it's the colors, but it's like '70's Retro meets Star Wars Sci-Fi meets 2013 i-pad. LOVE it. (That's easy for me to say, since I don't quilt, but I still love it.)
Oh, and…yes, you are biased. :~D
Yeah – but I think it looks hard to make…better teach him how to quilt…
Você conhece um ditado popular que diz: "filho de peixe peixinho é"?
Um abraço!
I LOVE it – your boy is totally awesome. I love any post where I get to see his creativity in action.
I agree with Melissa – this quilt needs to be made, and maybe he's the one to … well, help, at least?!
No doubt he got his creative genes from his Momma!
Very colorful! I'm always about the color.
How cool is that!! So when are you whipping that one up Michele??
Love it! Not an easy quilt to translate to fabric! 🙂 I can't wait to see it! max is always drawing pictures and when I ask what it is, I get, 'A quilt design for you Momma!' 🙂 I have yet to make one of his designs though. He drew one for a friend on Valentine's day and I wish I had made a copy of it. It was really cool! Maybe Ill as to borrow it! 🙂
Yes it rocks all right!!! You two could make a good team…he designs, you sew 🙂
As the old saying goes, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree!
Golly and I was chuffed with my artbrush swirls picture that I printed on card and made into cards one Christmas!!
This is ace and it would work as a paper or fabric patchwork but yes fiddly maybe to piece lol
It would look fab as mosaiced piccy in the lads new bedroom tho!!
One of you should get cracking on it lol
Althea is right about that acorn !
Amazing! I need to get that app. Love his choice of colors and design sense…it does look tricky to sew but there is nothing like a boy-inspired challenge!
Hahaahaaa! Your boy is awesome. Glad you both had fun making these quilt designs. This is a great pattern!
It's very cool…I look forward to you sewing up the real thing ;o)
Tell "BOY" if I were a quilter, I would be so begging for the rights to recreate his most excellent new quilt design!!!!
Ooh you need to make it for him! Tweak it a bit for ease of construction, but he will be so proud to see it as an actual quilt!