One of the big blessings/curses of my life are my brothers and sisters. I have 10 of them. Seriously. I won’t go into names and such ’cause I’d like to get to the point sometime this decade. But one of my favourite things to do with them is to share a meal. Another favourite is to argue about every tiny insignificant meaningless little thing under the sun. That’s always fun. But my ABSOLUTE favourite thing to do with them is to sing. For real. When we sing together, everything falls away. You know all the baggage that sits there between brothers and sisters? It just evaporates. The feelings I get when I’m amongst them singing is… well honestly, words fail to express it… When we’re singing together and I close my eyes, I am transported to another place. It’s very strange because these are my siblings and they drive me nuts for the most part, right?… But in these moments, when our voices come together, I am almost convinced there’s a heaven.
I wouldn’t trade these moments for the prettiest craft room in the world. Or even, come to think of it, for the world itself.
So today, on this blog’s 3rd blogiversary, I’m putting my feet up, whipping up a tall cool glass of lemonade, and giving myself the crafty day off. I’m also presenting myself with the following gift. It’s a video of one my singing siblings.
Happy 3rd blogiversary to me, eh?♥M
Happy 3rd Michele!!
10 children!! Well, you didn't / don't need anybody to have the greatest party at home, eh? I can only imagine 🙂
Happy blogoversary Michele and I wish you many more to come!! I am just about to listen to your brother. Thank you for sharing the link!
Congrats for your 3rd Blog Big Day!!!!!!!
You know, I complain about siblings, too,…but I have "only" 3 sisters!!!! ;oD
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ale
Happy blogiversary Michele,
I cannot comment on anything because I am still horro stricken…10 siblings…I have 2 and they drive me nuts half the time…10!
Big hug,
p.s. Loved Joel's singing!
Oh how precious , thanks for sharing. And keep on blogging <3
Feliz aniversário! Vida longa ao blog!
10 irmãos? Eu tenho 7!!!
Obrigada pelo presente "Joel"! Linfa voz! Lindo rapaz!
Um abraço!
Beautiful song and wonderful voice. Would love to hear something from all of you!
Happy blogiversary, and thanks so much for the link to your little bro! I teach Holy Yoga, and we practice with music…Joel's work is beautiful. Love 'stumbling' upon new sounds to support the worship experience 🙂
Happy Blogaversary! I have 6 siblings and I know how great a big family can be.
OK. You have me beat. I only have 8 bros and sis and 2 foster sisters. Our Dad just died and having them to commiserate with has been a true blessings. We came together and our squabbles fell away.
We sing a lot, too.
Bless you and thanks for sharing.
Woah! 10?? TEN??!!!
Fantastic that you all sing together. Your brother has such a lovely voice. I bet you all sound terrific singing at once.
I just started to play piano while my daughter plays fiddle in a group that her teacher has put together…and I know that feeling. Shear joy!
Happy 3rd anniversary!
Keep on Keepin' on!
I can't listen now because Tim is on the phone with his Dad on speaker phone. I hope to remember to come back.
Happy Blogiversary!! You are the second blogiversary I've had to celebrate today. Another blog friend had a fourth iversary today.
Happy Blogiversary! Your family is so talented1
Happy Blogiversary! I'm one of 5 and my mom is one of 10 – I love having a big family!
Happy 3rd birthday 🙂 I'm an only child so being 1 of 10 sounds like heaven to me
Boy o boy m I ever glad I decided to do a little catching up today! Otherwise i could have been very late to this party!!!
Happy Blogiversary, Michele!!! You have been and continue to be a huge inspiration to my own crafty endeavors; and your upcycle projects are an excellent demonstration of just how pretty and useful objects made using recycled materials can be!
YOU are my re-use/recycle Muse!
I was an only child and would have loved a family like yours!
How lovely thay you all sing together too………and bro has a smashing voice!
Is he professional then, that looks like a tv stage set hes performing on?
YOur bro has much talent, I LOVED listening to this beautiful performance. Singing with your ginormous family sounds like such an old fashioned thing to do – it is quite cool to me that you guys carry it on. I presume it came from your parents?
A little from both sides of the family. 🙂
Congratulations on hitting your 3rd anniversary. Your brother is incredibly talented. I can imagine singing together feels incredible. Singing with a choir always gives me goosebumps, but to have a family of that size who sing together would be almost euphoric.
Happy Blogaversary! 10???? Wow! My husband is 1 of 6 and that is so far from anything I know! I'm an only! I can't imagine 10. If yall all sound like your brother, no wonder you feel so peaceful when you sing together!
Happy Bloggyversary Michele!! Your brother's singing is beautiful – thanks for sharing that with us!